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Unstoppable! Japanese mini trucks drive through the United States

(04/03 15:25)

behind this curious shift in automotive preferences. Follow along on my quest for answers,which brought me to southern North Carolina. Amidst the vibrant,verdant forest,a surreal sight awaits − it’s like stumbling upon a ‘mini truck theme park’! We explore this unique phenomenon and uncover the secrets hidden within. Meet Tony Childs (Maybelly Mini Trucks,Inc.),the passionate importer and seller of hundreds of Japanese mini trucks across sprawling landscapes. Tony’s affection for Japanese mini trucks runs deep,as he spreads their virtues through his YouTube channel. It’s no overstatement to say that he’s

ウクライナ危機でアフリカが見せた“怒り”のスピーチ 世界中で大きな反響

(03/03 16:49)

す。 また、関係当事者が平和的手段で問題解決に 取り組むように求めるべきです。 Let me conclude、 Mr. President、 by reaffirming Kenya’s respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.Thank you. 最後となりますが、ウクライナの国際的に認められた国境と領土的一体性が尊重されることを求め


(09/25 13:29)

、この数字は、あと350ギガトンを切っています。 How dare you pretend that this can be sold with just business as usual and some technical solutions? With today’s emissions levels, that remaining CO2 budget will be entirely gone within less thaneight and a half years. 今までどおり取り組んで、何らかの技術で問題が解決できるというフリを、よくできたものですね。