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テレ朝newsで「this is us」の検索結果:3件(1-3件を表示中)

Unstoppable! Japanese mini trucks drive through the United States

(04/03 15:25)

Unstoppable! Japanese mini trucks drive through the United States[2024/04/03 15:25] Explore the unexpected surge in demand for used Japanese mini trucks from three decades past in America today. Contrary to the ‘bigger is better’ ethos often associated with American cars,this trend is a complete reversal. What exactly is driving this phenomenon? We uncover the intriguing factors behind this curious shift in automotive preferences. Follow along on my quest for answers,which brought me to southern North Carolina. Amidst the vibrant,verdant forest,a surreal sight awaits − it’s like stumbling upon a ‘mini truck theme

ウクライナ危機でアフリカが見せた“怒り”のスピーチ 世界中で大きな反響

(03/03 16:49)

アの行動に対し、キマニ氏はアフリカの歴史と照らし合わせ、憤りをあらわにしました。  ケニア共和国・キマニ国連大使: 「This situation echoes our history. Kenya、 almost every African country was birthed by the ending of empire. Our borders were not of our own drawings. They’re drawn in the distant colonial metropoles of London、 Paris、 and Lisbon、 with no regard for the ancient nations that they cleaved apart. こ


(09/25 13:29)

に伝えたいあなたのメッセージは? −−−−−−−− グレタ) My message is that we’ll be watching you. 「私たちはあなた方を見ている」。それがメッセージです。 This is all wrong. すべてが間違っています。 I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. 私は今、ここにいるのではなく、海の向