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テレ朝newsで「that is」の検索結果:5件(1-5件を表示中)

Unstoppable! Japanese mini trucks drive through the United States

(04/03 15:25)

uncover the secrets hidden within. Meet Tony Childs (Maybelly Mini Trucks,Inc.),the passionate importer and seller of hundreds of Japanese mini trucks across sprawling landscapes. Tony’s affection for Japanese mini trucks runs deep,as he spreads their virtues through his YouTube channel. It’s no overstatement to say that he’s sparked a nationwide frenzy for Japanese mini trucks in the United States. We delve into the charm of mini trucks from Tony’s perspective,discussing why they hold such appeal for Americans. Moreover,some individuals actually live using mini trucks as primary transportation and dwelling. We

【報ステ特集】ピアニスト藤田真央さん「音楽を考えない日はない」 PART2 演奏編

(10/25 18:00)

Mao Fujita has been performing with major European orchestras. His room has big windows looking down at the town of Berlin. There,he plays a Bechstein piano for practice. Giving his very best both on stage and in practice is his motto,but sometimes,preparing 100 percent isn’t necessary. That’s when he plays Mozart. To recreate the authenticity of Mozart,who was known for spontaneity and impromptu,Mao leaves room for improvisation in his performance. His new album,Mozart: The Complete Piano Sonatas,is released worldwide. Play the video to see his live performance on Mozart’s

岸田総理 NPT再検討会議で「ヒロシマ・アクション・プラン」を発表

(08/02 00:40)

い世界」の実現に向けた現実的な取り組みとして「ヒロシマ・アクション・プラン」を発表しました。  岸田総理大臣:「I cannot but admit that the path to a world without nuclear weapons has become even harder.Nevertheless,giving up is not an option.We must take every realistic measure towards a world without nuclear weapons step by step.(『核兵器のない世界」への道のりは一

ウクライナ危機でアフリカが見せた“怒り”のスピーチ 世界中で大きな反響

(03/03 16:49)

ニ国連大使: 「This situation echoes our history. Kenya、 almost every African country was birthed by the ending of empire. Our borders were not of our own drawings. They’re drawn in the distant colonial metropoles of London、 Paris、 and Lisbon、 with no regard for the ancient nations that they cleaved apart. この状況は、私たちの歴史と重なります。 ケニア、そして殆どのアフリカの国々は、帝国の終焉によって誕生し


(09/25 13:29)

い」国連演説全文[2019/09/25 13:29] 司会) What’s your message to world leaders today? 今日、首脳たちに伝えたいあなたのメッセージは? −−−−−−−− グレタ) My message is that we’ll be watching you. 「私たちはあなた方を見ている」。それがメッセージです。 This is all wrong. すべてが間違っています。 I shouldn’t be up here. I