ックで】1000ドルです) 入国審査官:Do you have a round -trip ticket【=return ticket】? (帰りの航空券はお持ちですか?) 入国審査官:Thank you. Have a nice time! Please go on though. (結構です。お気をつけて。先へ進んでください!) 旅行者:Where is the baggage claim? (手荷物受取所はどこですか?) I can't find my baggage. Where is the counter for
the FBI found in your loft. (FBIが君の家で25万ドルを見つけた。) ――「アンタッチャブル」から A: Just work with me. (協力をしてくれ。) B: But why should I, though. (なぜオレに?) A: Because you're a good cop. (あんたがいい警官だからだ。) Copyright(C)2003 TV-ASAHI All Rights Reserved.