Interview (English&日本語)with LYKN in Thai Festival 2024 in Nagoya.
Nut: もともと【シャナカン】というのが本名。そこから取ったニックネームは“ガン”でした。ただ、子供のころによく頭をぶつけてしまうことがあり、事故を起こしたりするのはもしかするとシャナカンの文字のスペルが良くないのでは?ということになり、本名もThanatに変更し、そこからNutというニックネームがうまれました。
Hong: お母さんがつけたニックネームは“ゲット(GET)“でした。ただ、中華系の祖母があまりその名前が好きではなく、Hongに変わりました。
Tui: 僕は生まれたとき、とても大きかったんです。体が保育器にギリギリ入っているぐらいの赤ちゃんでした。タイ語の「ぽっちゃり」「むちむち」を意味する“トゥイヌイ“という言葉から“Tui(トゥイ)”になりました。
Lego: 姉のニックネームがLemonで、同じLで始まる名前であるLegoになりました。父の友人が付けました。LEGOが好きだからとか、LEGOランドのオーナーの子供とかでもないよ(笑)
Nut: もともと【シャナカン】というのが本名。そこから取ったニックネームは“ガン”でした。ただ、子供のころによく頭をぶつけてしまうことがあり、事故を起こしたりするのはもしかするとシャナカンの文字のスペルが良くないのでは?ということになり、本名もThanatに変更し、そこからNutというニックネームがうまれました。
Hong: お母さんがつけたニックネームは“ゲット(GET)“でした。ただ、中華系の祖母があまりその名前が好きではなく、Hongに変わりました。
Tui: 僕は生まれたとき、とても大きかったんです。体が保育器にギリギリ入っているぐらいの赤ちゃんでした。タイ語の「ぽっちゃり」「むちむち」を意味する“トゥイヌイ“という言葉から“Tui(トゥイ)”になりました。
Lego: 姉のニックネームがLemonで、同じLで始まる名前であるLegoになりました。父の友人が付けました。LEGOが好きだからとか、LEGOランドのオーナーの子供とかでもないよ(笑)
Hong: 天然
Nut: かっこいい
William: おっちょこちょい
William: 化粧水
Nut: 充電器
Hong: お守り
Tui: スマホ
Lego: リップスティック
Lego: 自信
Tui: 良く寝る
Hong: 生まれつき(親からの贈り物)
Nut: ジムに通う
William: いつも洋服のことを気にしている
William: マジ、ヤバイ
Nut: とてもいい
Hong: 変身!
Tui: 大好きです
Lego: ごめんね、ニャンニャン
Lego: 自宅
Tui: GMMTV本社ビル
Hong: リバーシティー
Nut: 川沿いにある博物館やアジアティークあたり。リバーフロント。
William: ヤワラー(タイのチャイナタウン)
Hong: 天然
Nut: かっこいい
William: おっちょこちょい
William: 化粧水
Nut: 充電器
Hong: お守り
Tui: スマホ
Lego: リップスティック
Lego: 自信
Tui: 良く寝る
Hong: 生まれつき(親からの贈り物)
Nut: ジムに通う
William: いつも洋服のことを気にしている
William: マジ、ヤバイ
Nut: とてもいい
Hong: 変身!
Tui: 大好きです
Lego: ごめんね、ニャンニャン
Lego: 自宅
Tui: GMMTV本社ビル
Hong: リバーシティー
Nut: 川沿いにある博物館やアジアティークあたり。リバーフロント。
William: ヤワラー(タイのチャイナタウン)
Hong: いつも忘れ物が多いのがWilliamだね。
Tui: 日本の「アニメイト」の発音が難しかった。僕は方向音痴ではないので、みんなの案内役になろうとしたんだけど、タイ風の発音で「アニメイト」って言っても通じなかった。
Lego: いつも日本では、夕食のレストランからホテルまでの帰るとき、歩いて帰るんです。 とても気持ちよくて、みんなとの会話も面白くて、いい時間を味わっています。
━━ドラマ「Thame - Po Heart That Skips a Beat(仮)」の出演の話を聞いたとき、どう思いましたか?
William: 結構前から知っていて、発表の時は実はとても緊張していました。人見知りなので共演者と話をするとき、今も緊張しています。
Hong: 毎回のワークショップが楽しみです。まだまだ新しい発見があって面白い。
Lego: まずとても嬉しくて幸な気持ちでいっぱいです。まだ撮影は始まっていないので少し不安はありますが、一生懸命やるので沢山の人々に見てほしいです。
━━ワークショップは全員一緒の時もあれば、そうではない時もあると聞きましたが、みなさん、メンバーの演技を見る機会がありましたね? 演技が一番上手いと思う人は誰ですか?
William: Tuiかな。彼はいつも緊張していると言うけれど、実際に撮影が始まると、とてもナチュラルで、綺麗に演技ができている。何で緊張しているか分からない。
Lego: Williamですね。 彼のことはPと呼んでいます。生まれつきの天才。今までも才能を感じていたけど、褒める所しかない。どこからこのスキルが出てくるんだろう、と不思議に思っている。 彼に主役を任せるのは当たり前。
Tui: Williamだね。 何かを持っている。いつも役に入ると別人になる。役に入り込む。LYKNでも、直前まで遊んでいてもステージにあがったら【LYKNのWilliam】なんだよね。 楽しい時も、悲しい時も表情を作るのが上手。
Nut: Williamだね。
Hong: 僕もWilliamかな。シングルでMVを撮影する時も、演技が上手だなと感じていました。みんなにドラマを見てもらえるのを楽しみにしています。
通訳:Sijutha Navawongse
Hong: いつも忘れ物が多いのがWilliamだね。
Tui: 日本の「アニメイト」の発音が難しかった。僕は方向音痴ではないので、みんなの案内役になろうとしたんだけど、タイ風の発音で「アニメイト」って言っても通じなかった。
Lego: いつも日本では、夕食のレストランからホテルまでの帰るとき、歩いて帰るんです。 とても気持ちよくて、みんなとの会話も面白くて、いい時間を味わっています。
━━ドラマ「Thame - Po Heart That Skips a Beat(仮)」の出演の話を聞いたとき、どう思いましたか?
William: 結構前から知っていて、発表の時は実はとても緊張していました。人見知りなので共演者と話をするとき、今も緊張しています。
Hong: 毎回のワークショップが楽しみです。まだまだ新しい発見があって面白い。
Lego: まずとても嬉しくて幸な気持ちでいっぱいです。まだ撮影は始まっていないので少し不安はありますが、一生懸命やるので沢山の人々に見てほしいです。
━━ワークショップは全員一緒の時もあれば、そうではない時もあると聞きましたが、みなさん、メンバーの演技を見る機会がありましたね? 演技が一番上手いと思う人は誰ですか?
William: Tuiかな。彼はいつも緊張していると言うけれど、実際に撮影が始まると、とてもナチュラルで、綺麗に演技ができている。何で緊張しているか分からない。
Lego: Williamですね。 彼のことはPと呼んでいます。生まれつきの天才。今までも才能を感じていたけど、褒める所しかない。どこからこのスキルが出てくるんだろう、と不思議に思っている。 彼に主役を任せるのは当たり前。
Tui: Williamだね。 何かを持っている。いつも役に入ると別人になる。役に入り込む。LYKNでも、直前まで遊んでいてもステージにあがったら【LYKNのWilliam】なんだよね。 楽しい時も、悲しい時も表情を作るのが上手。
Nut: Williamだね。
Hong: 僕もWilliamかな。シングルでMVを撮影する時も、演技が上手だなと感じていました。みんなにドラマを見てもらえるのを楽しみにしています。
通訳:Sijutha Navawongse
Interview with LYKN at Thai Festival 2024 in Nagoya
━━First of all, please tell us a little more about you.
William: Many Thai people have long real names, so everyone has a nickname. I have American roots, so my mom wanted to give me an English name, so I got this nickname from William in “Titanic”.
Nut: Originally, my real name was Shanakan. My nickname was “Gun,” from real name. However, when I was a child, I used to hit my head a lot, and we thought that maybe the spelling of the letters in real name was not good enough to cause accidents. So I changed my real name to Thanat, and from there the nickname Nut was born.
Hong: My mother gave me the nickname “Get”. However, my grandmother, who is Chinese, did not like that name very much, so it was changed to Hong.
Tui: When I was born, I was very big. I was so big that my body just barely fit into the incubator. The name “Tui” comes from the Thai word “tui nui,” which means “chubby”.
Lego: My sister's nickname is Lemon, so we decided on Lego, which also starts with the letter “L”. A friend of my father gave it to me. It is not like because I love LEGO or I am the child of the owner of LEGO Land (laughs).
━━If you were to describe yourself in a few words, what kind of personality would you describe yourself as?
Lego: Cute
Tui: Cute
Hong: Natural airhead
Nut: Cool
William: Goofy
━━What do you always carry with you?
William: Toner
Nut: A battery charger
Hong: (A good luck) charm
Tui: My phone
Lego: Lipstick
━━What is your secret to keep Handsome?
Lego: Confidence
Tui: Sleep well
Hong: Born with it (gift from parents)
Nut: Go to the gym
William: I always care about my clothes
━━What is your favorite Japanese word?
William: MAJI-YABAI(means “seriously, terrible or Cool” )
Nut: Totemoii (means “very good”)
Hong: Henshin ! (means “Transformation”)
Tui: Daisuki-desu (means “I love you”)
Lego: Gomen-ne, Nyan,Nyan ( means “Sorry, nyan nyan” ( the sound of cats) )
━━Where do you think is the best place to visit in Thailand?
Lego: My house
Tui: GMMTV headquarters building
Hong: River City
Nut: Around the museum and Asiatique The Riverfront
William: China Town (Yawarat)
━━Did you have any special happenings during your stay in Japan?
William: I shared a room with Nut. We had bunk beds, but he always hit our heads on the ceiling. I thought Nut is careless person.
Nut: I am older than William, so William always depends on me. He wants to leave everything to me.
Hong: William is the one who always forgets things.
Tui: I had trouble pronouncing “Animate (name of the store)” in Japan. I'm good with directions, so I tried to be a guide, but Japansese people could not understand my Thai pronunciation “Animate”.
Lego: In Japan, I always walk home from the dinner restaurant to the hotel. It's very pleasant and I enjoy a good time and interesting conversation with everyone.
━━What did you think when you heard you all were going to be in the drama “Thame - Po Heart That Skips a Beat (tentative title)”?
William: I had known about it for quite a while and was actually very nervous when it was announced to public. I am shy, so I am still nervous when I talk to my co-stars.
Nut: First of all, I thought it was a very good opportunity, a good chance to add a new color to LYKN, a good chance for people to see LYKN. I am nervous but looking forward to it.
Hong: I look forward to every workshop. I am old enough but still interesting to discover new things.
Tui: I'm really looking forward to it, and I'm very happy to be able to perform with the five of us. I'm sure I'll discover a new me in the future.
Lego: First of all, I'm very happy and fortunate. We haven't started filming yet, so I'm a little anxious, but we're going to do our best, and I hope many people will see the drama.
━━We heard that some of the workshops are with all the members and some are not, but you all had a chance to see your acting, didn't you? Who do you think is the best actor?
William: I think Tui. He always says he is nervous, but when we actually start filming, his acting is so natural and beautiful. I don't know why he is so nervous.
Lego: William, yes. I call him P. A natural born genius. I've always felt he was talented, but I have nothing but praise for him. I wonder where he gets these skills. It is natural to give him the lead role.
Tui: William, yes.He has something. He always becomes a different person when he gets into a role. Even in LYKN, he is William of LYKN when he gets on stage, even if he is playing until just before the show. He is good at making facial expressions whether he is happy or sad.
Nut: It must be Wiliam.
Hong: I guess it is William too. When we were shooting the music video for the single, I felt he was a good actor. I am looking forward to everyone watching the drama.
Interpreter: Sijutha Navawongse
Special thanks to YAMAMORI.INC、Royal Thai Embassy(Tokyo)、 Nagoya TV and TAT(Tokyo office)
━━First of all, please tell us a little more about you.
William: Many Thai people have long real names, so everyone has a nickname. I have American roots, so my mom wanted to give me an English name, so I got this nickname from William in “Titanic”.
Nut: Originally, my real name was Shanakan. My nickname was “Gun,” from real name. However, when I was a child, I used to hit my head a lot, and we thought that maybe the spelling of the letters in real name was not good enough to cause accidents. So I changed my real name to Thanat, and from there the nickname Nut was born.
Hong: My mother gave me the nickname “Get”. However, my grandmother, who is Chinese, did not like that name very much, so it was changed to Hong.
Tui: When I was born, I was very big. I was so big that my body just barely fit into the incubator. The name “Tui” comes from the Thai word “tui nui,” which means “chubby”.
Lego: My sister's nickname is Lemon, so we decided on Lego, which also starts with the letter “L”. A friend of my father gave it to me. It is not like because I love LEGO or I am the child of the owner of LEGO Land (laughs).
━━If you were to describe yourself in a few words, what kind of personality would you describe yourself as?
Lego: Cute
Tui: Cute
Hong: Natural airhead
Nut: Cool
William: Goofy
━━What do you always carry with you?
William: Toner
Nut: A battery charger
Hong: (A good luck) charm
Tui: My phone
Lego: Lipstick
━━What is your secret to keep Handsome?
Lego: Confidence
Tui: Sleep well
Hong: Born with it (gift from parents)
Nut: Go to the gym
William: I always care about my clothes
━━What is your favorite Japanese word?
William: MAJI-YABAI(means “seriously, terrible or Cool” )
Nut: Totemoii (means “very good”)
Hong: Henshin ! (means “Transformation”)
Tui: Daisuki-desu (means “I love you”)
Lego: Gomen-ne, Nyan,Nyan ( means “Sorry, nyan nyan” ( the sound of cats) )
━━Where do you think is the best place to visit in Thailand?
Lego: My house
Tui: GMMTV headquarters building
Hong: River City
Nut: Around the museum and Asiatique The Riverfront
William: China Town (Yawarat)
━━Did you have any special happenings during your stay in Japan?
William: I shared a room with Nut. We had bunk beds, but he always hit our heads on the ceiling. I thought Nut is careless person.
Nut: I am older than William, so William always depends on me. He wants to leave everything to me.
Hong: William is the one who always forgets things.
Tui: I had trouble pronouncing “Animate (name of the store)” in Japan. I'm good with directions, so I tried to be a guide, but Japansese people could not understand my Thai pronunciation “Animate”.
Lego: In Japan, I always walk home from the dinner restaurant to the hotel. It's very pleasant and I enjoy a good time and interesting conversation with everyone.
━━What did you think when you heard you all were going to be in the drama “Thame - Po Heart That Skips a Beat (tentative title)”?
William: I had known about it for quite a while and was actually very nervous when it was announced to public. I am shy, so I am still nervous when I talk to my co-stars.
Nut: First of all, I thought it was a very good opportunity, a good chance to add a new color to LYKN, a good chance for people to see LYKN. I am nervous but looking forward to it.
Hong: I look forward to every workshop. I am old enough but still interesting to discover new things.
Tui: I'm really looking forward to it, and I'm very happy to be able to perform with the five of us. I'm sure I'll discover a new me in the future.
Lego: First of all, I'm very happy and fortunate. We haven't started filming yet, so I'm a little anxious, but we're going to do our best, and I hope many people will see the drama.
━━We heard that some of the workshops are with all the members and some are not, but you all had a chance to see your acting, didn't you? Who do you think is the best actor?
William: I think Tui. He always says he is nervous, but when we actually start filming, his acting is so natural and beautiful. I don't know why he is so nervous.
Lego: William, yes. I call him P. A natural born genius. I've always felt he was talented, but I have nothing but praise for him. I wonder where he gets these skills. It is natural to give him the lead role.
Tui: William, yes.He has something. He always becomes a different person when he gets into a role. Even in LYKN, he is William of LYKN when he gets on stage, even if he is playing until just before the show. He is good at making facial expressions whether he is happy or sad.
Nut: It must be Wiliam.
Hong: I guess it is William too. When we were shooting the music video for the single, I felt he was a good actor. I am looking forward to everyone watching the drama.
Interpreter: Sijutha Navawongse
Special thanks to YAMAMORI.INC、Royal Thai Embassy(Tokyo)、 Nagoya TV and TAT(Tokyo office)