A brief live report (English&日本語)of GMMTV Fan Fest 2023 on October 9th, PART9, Gemini and Fourth
Fan Fest初登場のGemini と Fourth
まずはFourth が元気に登場。「Please Be Mine」を楽しく歌い上げる。
Gemini のソロコーナーでは、「Anything You Want」を披露。話をしている時とまた違う顔で、力強く歌い、会場を沸かせた。
ダンスも歌も得意な彼らは、全体を明るい雰囲気に包む。カラフルな映像と風船と共に登場し、心からの笑顔を見せていた。 会場から「かわいい」という声が漏れ聞こえ、歓声を全身で受け止めていた。
Gemini のソロコーナーでは、「Anything You Want」を披露。話をしている時とまた違う顔で、力強く歌い、会場を沸かせた。
ダンスも歌も得意な彼らは、全体を明るい雰囲気に包む。カラフルな映像と風船と共に登場し、心からの笑顔を見せていた。 会場から「かわいい」という声が漏れ聞こえ、歓声を全身で受け止めていた。
Gemini and Fourth make their first appearance at Fan Fest
First, Fourth appeared on stage in high spirits. He sang "Please Be Mine" .
Gemini sang "Anything You Want" in his solo corner. He sang strongly with a face different from the one when he was talking to the audience.
After that, Fourth introduced himself as "Gemini" and ran around the stage, and the two brightly and freely talked to each other. They charmed the fans with their friendly smiles and the Japanese words they had learned, "Ichi, ni, san.( one, two, three in Japanese)”
The last song was "Hook”
They were good at both dancing and singing, and created a cheerful atmosphere throughout the show. They appeared with colorful images and balloons, smiling sincerely. Voices of "cute" could be heard leaking from the audience, and they were receiving the cheers with all their might.
Gemini sang "Anything You Want" in his solo corner. He sang strongly with a face different from the one when he was talking to the audience.
After that, Fourth introduced himself as "Gemini" and ran around the stage, and the two brightly and freely talked to each other. They charmed the fans with their friendly smiles and the Japanese words they had learned, "Ichi, ni, san.( one, two, three in Japanese)”
The last song was "Hook”
They were good at both dancing and singing, and created a cheerful atmosphere throughout the show. They appeared with colorful images and balloons, smiling sincerely. Voices of "cute" could be heard leaking from the audience, and they were receiving the cheers with all their might.