

A brief live report (English&日本語)of GMMTV Fan Fest 2023 on October 9th, PART8, Earth and Mix


まずは、大ヒット主演ドラマ「A Tales of Thousand Stars」の曲
「1000stars + No matter What 」を歌唱。
Mix は最初からチラチラ Earth を見ながら歌い、目を合わせ、手を繋ぐ。

一言一言かみしめるように歌った彼らは、曲が終わると急に笑顔になり、遠くのファンにまで手を振りながらその場を楽しんでいた。 会場に大きな声で挨拶をしたあと、会場を下から上まで見まわし、微笑む。

最後はテーブルの上にワイングラスを置き、大人なムードの中、「Come Closer」と「Closer」を披露。


Earth and Mix were back again after last year's performance

First, they sang "1000stars + No matter What," a song from the hit TV drama "A Tales of Thousand Stars.
Mix sang while glancing at Earth from the beginning, making eye contact, and holding hands.

When the song was over, they suddenly started smiling and enjoying the moment, waving their hands to fans in the distance. After greeting the audience loudly, they looked around the venue from bottom to top and smiled.

Finally, with wine glasses on the table, they performed "Come Closer" and "Closer" in a mature mood.
They sang to their fans, huddled together amidst the blue, green, and red stage images.
Fans enjoyed the atmosphere that only the two of them could bring to the stage. They looked at each other and the audience until the end.