Special Interview of Tay and New(English&日本語), May 5th in Tokyo
5月の東京。 写真集のお渡し会を控え、ファンに会う前に入念に日本語の確認をしているTayNewの2人。 スタッフに「あい(会い)たかった」の“あい”と、「あい(愛)してる」の“あい”の違いを質問したり、今回の来日でも、沢山の日本語を覚えていました。
━━━ GMMTV FAN FESTで2022年8月に来日した時の感想を改めて聞かせてください
Tay: すごくいい経験になりました。 参加したアーティストがとても多くて、初めての経験でした。
New: 本当にとてもいい経験になりました。 スケールの大きいコンサートだったので、楽しかったです。
Tay: あの時、初めて歌う曲がありました。 実はそれ以降全く歌っていません。 初めて歌うにはふさわしい場所で、良い機会でした。
━━━ YOSHIKIさんにも会うチャンスがありましたね
New: (ニコニコしながら)彼がプロデュースしている番組とか、違う人と新しく組んだバンドとかありますよね。 何でしたっけ?
New: それです!
Tay: 実際に会うと、スーパースターなのに気取ったところがなくて素晴らしい方でした。演奏するときはカッコいいしね。
━━━ YOSHIKIさんと対面する前にKristが楽屋で X JAPANの曲をスマートフォンで流したりしていましたが、実はあの時、お2人も楽屋で日本の曲を歌っていましたよね?
Tay: (歌うというより、歌詞を口にする) たーとーえーば ぼくたちが
テレビ朝日: タッキー&翼の「卒業~さよならは明日のために~」ですかね?
Tay: そう! それです!
New: (少しだけ歌う)♪サクラ咲け 僕の♪
Tay: 有名な曲だよね?
New: 嵐です。古いけど
Tay: 僕たちは古い曲を多く知っています
New: 10歳ぐらいから嵐をずっと見ていました。 まだ嵐は有名ですか?
テレビ朝日: はい、有名です。 ソロでテレビ朝日のドラマに出演されたりすることもあります
Tay: そうなんですね! (テレビ朝日スタッフを見ながら)次に日本に来た時は、ソロでもいいから一緒に写真を撮れると嬉しいな
テレビ朝日: そうですね! いつか日本のファンの前でも歌ってもらえますか?
Tay: 歌いたいです! (宇多田ヒカルさんの)「First Love」 とかも歌いたいです。
Tay: すごくいい経験になりました。 参加したアーティストがとても多くて、初めての経験でした。
New: 本当にとてもいい経験になりました。 スケールの大きいコンサートだったので、楽しかったです。
Tay: あの時、初めて歌う曲がありました。 実はそれ以降全く歌っていません。 初めて歌うにはふさわしい場所で、良い機会でした。
━━━ YOSHIKIさんにも会うチャンスがありましたね
New: (ニコニコしながら)彼がプロデュースしている番組とか、違う人と新しく組んだバンドとかありますよね。 何でしたっけ?
New: それです!
Tay: 実際に会うと、スーパースターなのに気取ったところがなくて素晴らしい方でした。演奏するときはカッコいいしね。
━━━ YOSHIKIさんと対面する前にKristが楽屋で X JAPANの曲をスマートフォンで流したりしていましたが、実はあの時、お2人も楽屋で日本の曲を歌っていましたよね?
Tay: (歌うというより、歌詞を口にする) たーとーえーば ぼくたちが
テレビ朝日: タッキー&翼の「卒業~さよならは明日のために~」ですかね?
Tay: そう! それです!
New: (少しだけ歌う)♪サクラ咲け 僕の♪
Tay: 有名な曲だよね?
New: 嵐です。古いけど
Tay: 僕たちは古い曲を多く知っています
New: 10歳ぐらいから嵐をずっと見ていました。 まだ嵐は有名ですか?
テレビ朝日: はい、有名です。 ソロでテレビ朝日のドラマに出演されたりすることもあります
Tay: そうなんですね! (テレビ朝日スタッフを見ながら)次に日本に来た時は、ソロでもいいから一緒に写真を撮れると嬉しいな
テレビ朝日: そうですね! いつか日本のファンの前でも歌ってもらえますか?
Tay: 歌いたいです! (宇多田ヒカルさんの)「First Love」 とかも歌いたいです。
━━━ もし「TayNew Meal Date in JAPAN」を、もう一度やるとしたら、どこに行って何を食べたいですか?
Tay: あの時はまだコロナの影響があって、Newとの間にアクリル板があったり、お互いの料理を分けあって食べることができませんでした。まだまだ食べたことのない日本料理が沢山あるので、楽しみです。 次はNewの食べているものをつまみたいです。
New: 焼肉が大好きです。 日本には焼肉の有名な店が沢山あるのでもっと行ってみたいです。
━━━ BELUCA (Tay,New,Off,Gun)のイベントを控えてますが、BELUCAならではの特徴や長所などはありますか?
Tay: 僕たち4人が楽しみながらやっていくイベントです。 歌ったことない曲もやるし、サプライズもあります
New: 他の人が思いもつかないこともやるし、見た人がびっくりするような内容です
Tay: あの時はまだコロナの影響があって、Newとの間にアクリル板があったり、お互いの料理を分けあって食べることができませんでした。まだまだ食べたことのない日本料理が沢山あるので、楽しみです。 次はNewの食べているものをつまみたいです。
New: 焼肉が大好きです。 日本には焼肉の有名な店が沢山あるのでもっと行ってみたいです。
━━━ BELUCA (Tay,New,Off,Gun)のイベントを控えてますが、BELUCAならではの特徴や長所などはありますか?
Tay: 僕たち4人が楽しみながらやっていくイベントです。 歌ったことない曲もやるし、サプライズもあります
New: 他の人が思いもつかないこともやるし、見た人がびっくりするような内容です
━━━ 前は「やれやれ」という日本語がTayさんのお気に入りでしたが、今の2人のお気に入りの日本語は何ですか?
Tay: 自分のInstagramのプロフィールにも入れている「こころ」 という言葉が好きです。
New: 「元気ですか?」 かな? 「元気ですか? 元気ですか? 元気です!」
Tay: 自分のInstagramのプロフィールにも入れている「こころ」 という言葉が好きです。
New: 「元気ですか?」 かな? 「元気ですか? 元気ですか? 元気です!」
━━━ 日本で撮り下ろした写真集(※)についても話を聞かせてください。
お気に入りの写真集とお聞きしていますが、お互いの一番好きな写真を教えてください (TayさんはNewさんの、NewさんはTayさんの写真を選んでください)
Tay: (即答)これです。 この写真は全体の雰囲気が柔らかくて優しいです。 明るいフレッシュな感じで好き。色のトーンとかも好き。見た人が気持ちよくなるような写真だと思います。
お気に入りの写真集とお聞きしていますが、お互いの一番好きな写真を教えてください (TayさんはNewさんの、NewさんはTayさんの写真を選んでください)
Tay: (即答)これです。 この写真は全体の雰囲気が柔らかくて優しいです。 明るいフレッシュな感じで好き。色のトーンとかも好き。見た人が気持ちよくなるような写真だと思います。
New: (じっくり選ぶ) これかなー。 実は僕が撮影したTayの写真です。 なんとなく、すべてのことから解放されて自由な感じがあるので好きです。
※Tay&New写真集「Two of Us」
「2 you ver.」はhontoにて、「2 us ver.」セブンネットショッピングにて販売。
「Two of Us」
「2 you ver.」はhontoにて、「2 us ver.」セブンネットショッピングにて販売。
「Two of Us」
Tokyo, May. On the day of event for the photo book, Tay and New carefully checked their Japanese before meeting fans. They asked the staff the difference between "ai" in "ai-ta-kka-ta( I wanted to meet you) " and “ai” in “ai-shi-te-ru( I love you)” .
We were lucky to have little time of them on the same day. This time, we first took photos, and then, unusually for TV Asahi, we had a short interview without a camera.
Since we were not filming, the interview was in a very relaxed atmosphere, with making sounds, moving, and sitting close to each other, as if they were at their favorite café.
They were free, cheerful, and natural to the end, with Tay asking the interviewer questions and gently rubbing New's back when he got choked up on chocolate.
━━ Please tell us again how you felt when you came to Japan in August 2022 for the GMMTV FAN FEST?
Tay: It was a great experience. There were so many artists who participated and it was my first time to attend that type of the event.
New: It was really a great experience. It was a big scale concert, so I really enjoyed it.
Tay: At that time, There was a song that I first sang. Actually, I haven't sung at all since then. It was a good opportunity and a suitable place to sing for the first time.
━━ You also had a chance to meet YOSHIKI.
New: (Smiling) There's a show he's producing, and a new band he's doing with different people. What was it?
New: That's it!
Tay: When I met him in person, he was a superstar, but without any pretensions. And when he played, he is cool.
━━ Before meeting YOSHIKI, Krist was playing X JAPAN songs on his smart phone in the dressing room. And I remember that you two were singing some songs in Japanese.
Tay: (Rather than singing, he read the lyrics) "Ta-to-e-ba-bo-ku-ta-chi-ga"
TV Asahi: Is it "Sotsugyo(Graduation) ~Sayonara-wa-asu-no-tame-ni~"by Tackey & Tsubasa?
Tay: Yes! That's it!
New: (sings a little bit) ♪ Sa-ku-ra Sa-ke-bo-ku-no ♪
Tay: It's a famous song, right?
New: It's Arashi. It's an old song.
Tay: We know a lot of old songs
New: I have been watching Arashi since I was about 10 years old. Is Arashi still famous in Japan?
TV Asahi: Yes, they are famous. They sometimes appear in TV Asahi dramas as solo actor.
Tay: I see! (Looking at TV asahi staff) Next time we come to Japan, I'd be happy to take a picture with them, even if it's solo!
TV Asahi: Hope so! Will you sing in front of your Japanese fans?
Tay: I would love to sing! I would love to sing "First Love" (by Hikaru Utada) too.
━━ If you could do the "TayNew Meal Date in Japan" again, where would you go and what would you like to eat?
Tay: At that time (in August 2022), Japan was still under the Covid situation, and there was an acrylic board between me and New. We couldn't share each other's food. There are still many Japanese dishes that I have never eaten, so I am looking forward to it. Next time, I want to share food with New.
New: I love Yakiniku. There are many famous Yakiniku restaurants in Japan and I would like to visit more.
━━ You are just about to have a concert as BELUCA. What are some of the unique characteristics and strengths of BELUCA (Tay, New, Off, Gun)?
Tay: It is an event that the four of us enjoy doing. We will play songs we have never sung before, and there will be some surprises!
New: We do things that other people have never thought of, and we surprise people when they see us perform.
━-Khun Tay used to have a favorite Japanese word, "yare-yare". What is your favorite Japanese words now for both of you?
Tay: I like the word "kokoro (heart in Japanese) " which I put in my Instagram profile.
New: "Genki desuka?( How are you?)". "Genki desuka?” *said twice.
“Genki-desu( I am fine)”
━━ We would like to ask you about the photo book* shot in Japan.
We have heard that it is your favorite photo book. What is your favorite photo of each other?
Tay: (Immediate answer) This one. The whole atmosphere of this photo is soft and gentle. I like the brightness, fresh feeling. I also like the tone of the colors. I think it's the kind of photo that makes the viewer feel good.
New: (Choosing carefully) I think this one. It's actually a photo of Tay that I took. I like it because it has a feeling of freedom from everything.
Interpreter: Miyako Maria Takahashi
Hair&Make:Takeyuki SATO
We were lucky to have little time of them on the same day. This time, we first took photos, and then, unusually for TV Asahi, we had a short interview without a camera.
Since we were not filming, the interview was in a very relaxed atmosphere, with making sounds, moving, and sitting close to each other, as if they were at their favorite café.
They were free, cheerful, and natural to the end, with Tay asking the interviewer questions and gently rubbing New's back when he got choked up on chocolate.
━━ Please tell us again how you felt when you came to Japan in August 2022 for the GMMTV FAN FEST?
Tay: It was a great experience. There were so many artists who participated and it was my first time to attend that type of the event.
New: It was really a great experience. It was a big scale concert, so I really enjoyed it.
Tay: At that time, There was a song that I first sang. Actually, I haven't sung at all since then. It was a good opportunity and a suitable place to sing for the first time.
━━ You also had a chance to meet YOSHIKI.
New: (Smiling) There's a show he's producing, and a new band he's doing with different people. What was it?
New: That's it!
Tay: When I met him in person, he was a superstar, but without any pretensions. And when he played, he is cool.
━━ Before meeting YOSHIKI, Krist was playing X JAPAN songs on his smart phone in the dressing room. And I remember that you two were singing some songs in Japanese.
Tay: (Rather than singing, he read the lyrics) "Ta-to-e-ba-bo-ku-ta-chi-ga"
TV Asahi: Is it "Sotsugyo(Graduation) ~Sayonara-wa-asu-no-tame-ni~"by Tackey & Tsubasa?
Tay: Yes! That's it!
New: (sings a little bit) ♪ Sa-ku-ra Sa-ke-bo-ku-no ♪
Tay: It's a famous song, right?
New: It's Arashi. It's an old song.
Tay: We know a lot of old songs
New: I have been watching Arashi since I was about 10 years old. Is Arashi still famous in Japan?
TV Asahi: Yes, they are famous. They sometimes appear in TV Asahi dramas as solo actor.
Tay: I see! (Looking at TV asahi staff) Next time we come to Japan, I'd be happy to take a picture with them, even if it's solo!
TV Asahi: Hope so! Will you sing in front of your Japanese fans?
Tay: I would love to sing! I would love to sing "First Love" (by Hikaru Utada) too.
━━ If you could do the "TayNew Meal Date in Japan" again, where would you go and what would you like to eat?
Tay: At that time (in August 2022), Japan was still under the Covid situation, and there was an acrylic board between me and New. We couldn't share each other's food. There are still many Japanese dishes that I have never eaten, so I am looking forward to it. Next time, I want to share food with New.
New: I love Yakiniku. There are many famous Yakiniku restaurants in Japan and I would like to visit more.
━━ You are just about to have a concert as BELUCA. What are some of the unique characteristics and strengths of BELUCA (Tay, New, Off, Gun)?
Tay: It is an event that the four of us enjoy doing. We will play songs we have never sung before, and there will be some surprises!
New: We do things that other people have never thought of, and we surprise people when they see us perform.
━-Khun Tay used to have a favorite Japanese word, "yare-yare". What is your favorite Japanese words now for both of you?
Tay: I like the word "kokoro (heart in Japanese) " which I put in my Instagram profile.
New: "Genki desuka?( How are you?)". "Genki desuka?” *said twice.
“Genki-desu( I am fine)”
━━ We would like to ask you about the photo book* shot in Japan.
We have heard that it is your favorite photo book. What is your favorite photo of each other?
Tay: (Immediate answer) This one. The whole atmosphere of this photo is soft and gentle. I like the brightness, fresh feeling. I also like the tone of the colors. I think it's the kind of photo that makes the viewer feel good.
New: (Choosing carefully) I think this one. It's actually a photo of Tay that I took. I like it because it has a feeling of freedom from everything.
Interpreter: Miyako Maria Takahashi
Hair&Make:Takeyuki SATO