

A brief report (English&日本語)of Mew Suppasit “Music Theater”, May 3rd in Kanagawa

Mew(ミュー)2度目の来日公演。今回は”Music Theater”と題した特別公演!

“Music Theater“の名のもと、オープニングは映画を彷彿とさせるような映像と共に始まる。乳児期、幼少期、学生時代、芸能界での活躍の歴史が写真で紹介される。

1曲目は「Season of You」。ベージュのジャケットを纏い、スタンドマイクと共に登場。歌詞の意味を演じるように手や体で表現しつつ、丁寧に歌い上げていく。序盤から観客席に向けてハートマーク、投げキッスなど、日本のファンへの愛を隠さず伝えるMew。 




カラオケで歌うことや鼻歌が好きだったという父親の影響もあり、タイの大スターP’Bird(Bird Thongchai/ バード トンチャイ)などの曲を聴きながら育ったと語るMew。数多くある彼の代表曲の中から「サバーイ・サバーイSabai Sabai(สบาย สบาย)」をアカペラで口ずさみながら、懐かしそうに話をする。


その後、緊張しながらも日本の曲を披露したり、前回の公演の映像(「Good Day」「Nan Na」)をファンと共に振り返ったりするコーナーを交え、いよいよ中盤へ。


SF(Sci-Fi)映画が好きで「STAR WARS」や、「インターステラ―(クリストファー・ノーラン監督作品)」などが好きと語る。子供の頃に好きだったのは「ジュマンジ(ジョー・ジョンストン監督作品)」。映画のコンセプトや設定などを好きになるが、映画賞などを受賞している作品は俳優として(勉強のために)見るようにしていると語る。歌手活動もしつつ、やはり俳優としての仕事も大切にしている様子を丁寧に語る。




テンポの良い曲ということでShawn Mendesの「Treat You Better」と回答。


同じく自分で制作した楽曲「Summer Fireworks」の方が、先に世の中に発表されたが、その前に作っていた「Drowning」は、祖母のために作った曲であり、特に思い入れがあるため、今回は日本のファンのために披露したと語る。「(祖母への気持ちは)記憶の中に生き続けているという曲である」と、少し切なそうな笑顔を浮かべながら語る。
一方、「Summer Fireworks」は制作方法が逆で、車で家に帰る時に見た景色が美しく、英語で歌詞を作り、それに合わせてメロディーを書いたという。





ドラマ「Love Me Again(2023)」「Rak Rai(2023)」は、ほぼ同時期に撮影をしていたとのことで、没入型と言われていたこともある演技に取り組む姿勢に対し、「なぜキャラクターの異なる2つの作品を同時期に表現することが可能だったのか」と尋ねられる。
例えば、「Rak Rai」のBanthaoという役は計器の針を思い浮かべることで、もう1つの
「Love Me Again」のPopという役から切り離して考えるという。そんな演技のテクニック論も披露された。

Mai Davika Hoorneとの共演でも話題のドラマ「Rak Rai」のOSTを日本で初めて披露。ファンは、モニターに大きく映し出されたドラマの映像で雰囲気も味わいつつ、伸びのある艶やかな歌声に酔いしれていた。




■衣裳:(昼公演)Off-White(ベージュの上下)、Dolce & Gabbana (黒と白の衣裳)
■Photo: Kyoka UEMIZO

A brief report (English & Japanese) of Mew Suppasit "Music Theater" , May 3rd in Kanagawa

Mew's second Event in Japan. This time it was a special performance titled "Music Theater"!

Under the name of "Music Theater," the opening of the show begins with a video reminiscent of a movie (film). The film shows pictures from his infancy, childhood, school days, and his career history in the entertainment industry.
The photos taken with fans also show a rapid increase in the number of people who support him as time goes by, as he becomes larger and larger in scale. The video proceeds through the history of Mew's activities as an actor and then as a singer, with Mew finally landing in the land of Kanagawa.

The first song is "Season of You. Dressed in a beige jacket, he appeared with a stand microphone. He sang carefully, expressing the meaning of the lyrics with his hands and body as if he was acting. From the beginning of the song, Mew did not hide his love for Japanese fans by showing heart marks and throwing kisses to the audience. 

After performing the song, they went on to the talk corner.
It was called a "special performance to get intoxicated with Mew's music" and featured Sho Fukutomi, an interpreter and host with extensive knowledge of Thai history and music, who delved into Mew's charms with his knowledge and humor.
Mew also greeted the audience, saying, "This time, I hope everyone can see the music inside me and the process of its creation, a kind of 'journey' of how I got into the world of music," and "I have prepared songs that I have never sung anywhere before.
In addition, Mew is always ready to entertain his fans, such as by showing off the Japanese he has learned.

【Encounter with Music】
The following is a story of Mew's encounter with music and his path to becoming a singer, based on photos and episodes from his childhood.

Mew says that he grew up listening to the songs of P'Bird (Bird Thongchai), one of Thailand's biggest stars.
Mew’s father, who liked to sing karaoke and hum. Mew sings, Sabai Sabai (สบาย สบาย)," one of his many representative songs a cappella, as he talks nostalgically about his childhood.

【As a student】
In high school, he started listening to bands such as Coldplay. He also began to watch anime and movies, which led him to listen to Japanese music as well. He is very service-oriented, and he was kind to his fans by singing "Butter-Fly," a Digimon (Digital Adventure) song that he sang at the last fan meeting (November 2022), a cappella.

After that, he nervously performed a Japanese song and looked back at the videos of his previous performances ("Good Day" and "Nan Na") with the fans, and finally the middle part of the show was underway.

He says he likes science fiction (Sci-Fi) movies, such as “STAR WARS” and "Interstellar (directed by Christopher Nolan)”. His favorite movie as a child was “Jumanji (directed by Joe Johnston)”. He says that he likes the concept and setting of movies, but tries to watch movies that have won film awards, etc. (for study) as an actor. He carefully describes how he also works as a singer, but still values his work as an actor.

In the second half, he appeared in black and white costumes and performed a song. He gave a big smile to the audience as he beautifully pronounced the words "I'm sorry I'm so cool,(in Japanese)" a phrase he learned from a Japanese staff.

A glimpse here and there of guests from abroad, including Canada, Mexico, and Hong Kong, showed that the Mew is gaining popularity worldwide.


For the evening performance, he appeared in a blue jacket.

He surprised the audience by telling a story about how he hated having his hair cut as a child and a mischievous episode from his childhood when he drove his parents' car whose engine was left running.

When asked what songs he often listens to while training, he answered "Treat You Better" by Shawn Mendes, because it has a good tempo.
He also talked about how he mainly works out his chest muscles at the gym, smiling and enjoying the conversation.

【Story of the song's production】
After singing the song "Drowning" from his album "365," the conversation turned to the production process.
Mew said that "Summer Fireworks," a song he also created, was released to the world first, but "Drowning," a song he created before "Summer Fireworks," was a song for his grandmother, and he had a special feeling to it.
With a slightly sad smile on his face, he says that he cherishes the song, saying that his feelings for grandmother live on in his memory.
For "Drowning," he first created the melody on the guitar, then added the lyrics to the chords.
On the other hand, for "Summer Fireworks," the production process was reversed: he saw a beautiful view as he was on the way home, wrote the lyrics in English, and then wrote the melody to go with it.

【About his studies】
He continues to be a student, but is considering the possibility of re-entering in graduate school. While talking about serious matters, he suddenly gives his fans a soft smile.

He said that he has been busy with his acting career this year, but that he has not forgotten about learning. As a singer, he said, "Maybe I can release a new song by the end of the year? He smiled and received a round of applause from the audience.

【About his current acting activities】
Mew is also receiving many offers as an actor.
He was asked about his approach to acting, which has been described as immersive, and how he was able to express himself in two different works with different characters.
The answer was, "I imagine something that fits the role (character) perfectly“.
For example, for the role of Banthao in "Rak Rai," one could think of the needle on a scale
, which he separates from the other role of Pop in "Love Me Again.

The OST of "Rak Rai," the much-talked-about drama with Mai Davika Hoorne, was performed for the first time in Japan. Fans could enjoy the atmosphere of the drama on the monitor while being intoxicated by his smooth and lustrous voice.

In addition, this year, "a thriller that also requires action" is also in the works,
He said that he has to shoot up to 3 films at the same time between June and July.
As an actor, he said, "I think I should be able to do that I can given role can do" and he is studying self-defense and other techniques to perfect the role.

He sang 6 songs each for both the daytime and evening performances. At the end of the performance, Mew slowly made his way around the auditorium with smiles on his faces, looking at the faces of each and every one of the audience and enjoying their interaction.

The multi-talented student, actor, and singer, Mew's future activities are highly anticipated.

■Interpreter/MC: Sho Fukutomi
■Costumes: (Daytime show) Off-White (beige top and bottom), Dolce & Gabbana (black and white costumes)
(Evening show): GIVENCHY (blue top and bottom), Off-White (light blue shirt, purple pants)
■Sound Source Cooperation: Dai-ichi Kosho Co.
■Photo: Kyoka UEMIZO