

A brief live report (English&日本語)of Shooting Star Asia Tour in JAPAN on March 18th and 19th.


「Shooting Star Asia Tour in JAPAN」と題した今回の公演は、インドネシア、マレーシア、フィリピン、台湾、ベトナムなどアジア各地で開催されてきた人気のイベントの日本公演。
彼らが出演したドラマ「F4 Thailand:BOYS OVER FLOWERS(タイ版:花より男子)」の挿入歌を披露しながらステージに登場した4人。ファンは大歓声とペンライトを振って迎え入れた。沢山の観客の姿を見た4人は瞬時に笑顔となり、時折メンバーと顔を見合わせながら嬉しそうな顔をみせる。アーティストとしても活躍する彼らは、伸びやかな声で、広い会場の上まで見ながら歌唱。ファンの顔を確認するように見つめ、微笑んでいた。

オープニングで日本語も交えながら挨拶したあと、観客とのコミュニケーションを楽しみながらトークセッションを進める。昨年8月に来日した時から、今までの間にどんな活動をしていたのかという質問では、デューが次の出演ドラマ「Faceless Love」に触れる。ウィンはファッションウィークでミラノに行ってきた話など、グローバルな活動に関する報告、ナニは「Home School」など、まだ日本で放送されていない作品の撮影に挑んでいたなど、忙しく過ごしていた期間をファンに伝える。更に今後挑戦したいことはあるかという質問では、ブライトから「アクション」に挑戦したいという発言があり、ファンから期待の声が漏れていた。

そしてゲームコーナーへ。2組に分かれ、ペットボトルを投げてきちんと着地させられるかを競う「Battle Bottle Flip!」というゲームに挑戦。簡単そうに聞こえるゲームだが、実際にやってみるととても難しく、決着がつくのに若干時間がかかったが、1回戦ではナニ、2回戦ではウィンが勝利を収めた。負けたデューとブライトは、罰ゲームとして、ファンに向けてかっこいいポージングをすることに。


6月に日本で開催される公演「Side by Side Concert Tour in JAPAN」に出演予定のブライトとウィンが「また日本で会いましょう」と呼びかけると、観客席から大きな歓声が。
ファンとの記念写真では、ファンがそれぞれメッセージなどを掲げる。気づいた4人が、目で文字を追いながら、ミニハートなどで声にこたえる場面も。さらに、「前回は花道がありましたが、今回は少しファンとの距離が遠いような気がします」「少し近くに行ってもいいですか?」「一緒に大声で歌ってくれますか?」とファンに伝えると、会場からはその日、一番の大きな歓声が。「Shooting Star」を歌いながら、舞台袖から現れた4台のトロッコに1人ずつ乗り込み、後方にいるファンにも届くよう、トロッコで外周を回る。スタンド席のファンの顔を一人一人確かめるように笑顔でファンに愛を伝えていた。

大きな歓声と上から落ちてくる紙吹雪と共に、約15,000人のファンが参加した特別な2日間が終了。Shooting Starというタイトル通り、星と夜空の演出で幕を下ろした。

The event was held by by Thai actors Bright, Win, Dew and Nani at Pia Arena MM (Yokohama Minami Minami) on March 18th and 19th.

The event, titled "Shooting Star Asia Tour" and it is a popular event tour that has been held in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, and other Asian cities.

The four members appeared on stage while performing an OST song from the drama "F4 Thailand: BOYS OVER FLOWERS (Thai version: Boys Over Flowers)" . Fans welcomed them with loud cheers and waving penlights. Seeing the large audience, the four members instantly smiled and looked happy as they looked at each other from time to time. They are also active as artists, and sang with their extended voices, looking up to the top of the large venue. They looked at their fans to check their faces and smiled.

After greeting the audience in the opening with some Japanese, they proceeded with the talk session while enjoying communication with the audience. When asked what they had been doing between their visit to Japan last August and now, Dew touched on his upcoming drama "Faceless Love". Win reports on his global activities, such as his trip to Milan for Fashion Week, while Nani tells fans about his busy period, including the filming of "Home School" and other works that have not yet aired in Japan. When asked if there was anything he wanted to try in the future, Bright said that he wanted to try "action," and fans voiced their expectations.

After the talk, Nani and Dew took the solo corner. First, Nani appeared in a long black suit. Sitting on a sofa, he sang with all his heart, sometimes with his eyes closed, in a chic performance. Dew sang using a stand microphone in front of an image with the name DEW written in large letters.

Then it was on to the game corner, they challenged to play a game called "Battle Bottle Flip! The game sounded easy, but it was so difficult that it took some time to settle the score. Dew and Bright lost the game and had to do some cool posing for the fans as a penalty game.

In addition, this time Win and Bright performed their own solo songs. Between songs, Win entertained the fans with English speech. Bright, on the other hand, surrounded the audience with his soft voice while spreading his arms wide. He showed his overwhelming presence and excited the audience.

The show included singing by all the members, talks, solo singing, games, and more.
Bright and Win, who will perform at the "Side by Side Concert Tour in Japan" in June, called out, "See you again in Japan," and the audience cheered loudly.
During the commemorative photo with fans, each fan held up a message by using board. Bright, Win, Dew and Nani noticed the messages and responded to fans with mini hearts and other messages.
They also asked, "Last time (August 2022 we had a center stage, but this time I feel like we are a little far from the fans," "Can I come a little closer?" "Will you sing loudly with me? "

The audience cheered the loudest of the day as they sang "Shooting Star. While singing "Shooting Star," 4 of them climbed onto to the trolleys (car) that appeared offstage. Bright, Win, Dew and Nani went around the venue with the trolleys(car) and greeted fans. They tried to show how much they love the fans.

With loud cheers, the special two-days event, attended by about 15,000 fans, came to an end, and as the title Shooting Star suggests, the show ended with stars and the night sky.