

A brief live report (English&日本語)of Bright Win 1st Fan Meeting in JAPAN on 9th Oct. 2021.

Bright and Win Hold Their First Online Live Event for Fans in Japan!

GMMTV's fan events such as "Global Fan Meetings" and "Kun-gu 2gether Live on Stage" have always attracted lots of fans. This year's event was Bright and Win’s first-ever event for fans in Japan. This special news flash provides a report on some of the things that happened during the event.
While it won’t be possible for overseas stars to visit Japan in person for a while yet, this big event really played an important role in helping to bring Thailand and Japan closer together.

The theme chosen by GMMTV for this latest event was "The Seasons of Japan". The audience was already fully charged up and in high spirits before the event, wondering how Bright and Win viewed Japan’s seasons and how they would express them through their performances.

The screen went black for a moment, and then the words "TAKE OFF" suddenly appeared in big letters. In the opening sequence Bright and Win appeared on screen in a cute airplane taking off from Thailand and then finally touching down in Japan!
The first song was "Kan Goo", a song from the drama "2gether", sung by Bright and Win as a duet. Just by hearing the intro to the memorable song fans instantly relived scenes from the drama in their mind. This time, the two of them sang together to mark the special occasion. The two enjoyed harmonizing together in front of images of spring in Japan like cherry blossoms and a Mt.Fuji.

After they finished singing, they were met on stage by MCs Godji, and Hymn, who also served as interpreter for the event. The 200 lucky fans who had gathered at the special venue in Japan for the event were shown on a huge screen above the stage.
Godji then said, "Hello from Thailand and welcome to our first-ever event for fans in Japan. Although we’re far apart, our hearts are connected!” Bright and Win smiled as they nodded in agreement.

Bright and Win then each greeted their Japanese fans. The lucky fans shown on the screen couldn't hide their delight as Bright and Win greeted fans partly in Japanese. Fans were able to write messages using a special chat screen, and the flurry of messages showed that the fans watching from home were just as excited.

At the opening, they talked about recommended spots and experiences in Thailand.
Win recommended Siam, an area in the center of Bangkok where many young people gather to enjoy gourmet food, and Bright recommended Phuket, a resort town in the south of the country, to experience the sea and the mountains.

The theme of the second song was "Winter". Win showed up in a Kimono-inspired outfit, holding an umbrella. "Ten Years Later" from the movie "2gether THE MOVIE", which was released in theaters in Japan, had a romantic image of Japanese hot spring resort and snow, and the song "I'll still be with you 10, 20, 30 years from now" also won the hearts of the fans.

The third song Bright sang was "Kod Tee (One Hug)".
With the image of "summer" in Japan, Bright surprised the fans with gorgeous images and gimmicks based on his favorite city, Tokyo.

At this point, the hashtag #BrightWinJAPAN became the number one trending topic on Twitter! This was a testament to the high profile of this event, which also involved fans from overseas.
The conversation then turned to the works that Bright and Win have co-starred in: the "2gether" drama series, "2gether THE MOVIE", and the "F4: Thailand: BOYS OVER FLOWERS” drama series, which will be broadcast in Japan this year.

When asked how he felt about the great response that the 2gether drama series and movie had received in Japan, Bright replied: "We didn't expect so many people to watch them. We’ve received a lot of positive feedback from fans in Japan. I'm always very grateful for that”. Then they received a surprise video featured: Mike, who played the role of Man; Toptap, who played Type; Drake, who played Mil; Frank, who played Phukong; Love, who played Pear; and Gunsmile, who played Boss.

Godji then touched on Bright and Win’s next work, “F4: Thailand: BOYS OVER FLOWERS” (the Thai version of “BOYS OVER FLOWERS”), and asked them to talk about their co-stars Dew and Nani. At this point there was another surprise! A video message from Dew and Nani! Bright said, "I put all my energy into this drama, so I hope everyone will watch it.

There were also many challenges for the fans this time. In one of the corners, a game was held to guess what the picture drawn by fans. Bright was the first to answer "Tom Yum Kung!", and the fans were with big smiles on their faces, creating a friendly atmosphere throughout the event.

The last theme was "Autumn".
The song was "Yang Koo Gun (Still Together)" from the drama "Still 2gether".
As a surprise for Japan, they sang some of the Thai lyrics in Japanese!
You can see that they practiced a lot for the fans. The Japanese fans who wrote in the comments could not hide their surprise. Some of the fans were watching with tears in their eyes.

When the song ended, a surprise video from a Japanese fan was shown.
Various images that Japanese fans sent were shown on the screen, and at the end, they became mosaic art of the two faces. At the end of the video, the catchphrase "Let's WIN a BRIGHT future 2gether", also created by Japanese fans, appeared on the screen, and the two of them stared at the screen earnestly, accepting the love from Japanese fans.

When they were asked for a final message, they picked up the microphone to express their gratitude to their Japanese fans. The words that came out of their mouths were in Japanese! The show came to an end with each of them giving a heartfelt message that they had prepared.

Around 12,000 fans all around Japan were filled with emotion as they watched the curtain come down on this big one-night-only show, bringing Bright and Win’s first live event for fans in Japan to a close.

日本初のBright&Winによるファンミーティング 「BRIGHT WIN 1st FAN MEETING IN JAPAN」開催!
「GLOBAL FAN MEETING」「Kun-gu 2gether Live on Stage」など、今までも多くのファンを集めて開催してきたGMMTVのファンミーティング。 今回は「BRIGHT WIN 1st FAN MEETING IN JAPAN」と題し、初の日本向け配信イベントとして開催された。その模様の一部を速報としてご紹介。

画面が一瞬黒くなり、突然「TAKE OFF」という大きな文字が映し出され、可愛らしい飛行機の映像と共にBrightとWinが画面に登場。飛行機がタイを飛び立ち、時間をかけて日本に到着、という映像からスタート!
1曲目はBrightとWinが2人で歌うドラマ「2gether」の曲「Kan Goo(カン・グー)」。イントロが流れるだけで、ファンにはドラマのシーンが蘇るほど印象的な楽曲の1つ。今回は特別に2人で歌唱し、日本の「春」をイメージした桜や富士山などの映像と共に楽しそうに声を重ねる。



2曲目のテーマは「冬」。 傘を差しながら、浴衣や着物をイメージした衣装で現れたWin。日本でも劇場公開された映画「2gether THE MOVIE」からWinのソロ曲「Ten Years Later」。

Brightが歌う3曲目は「Kod Tee(One Hug/抱きしめさせて(邦題))」

この時点で、ハッシュタグ #BrightWinJAPAN がツイッター世界トレンド1位を獲得! 海外のファンも巻き込み、このイベントの注目度の高さがうかがえる。
そして話は2人の出演作・ドラマ「2gether」、映画「2gether THE MOVIE」、そして今年の秋にタイで放送予定の「F4:Thailand:BOYS OVER FLOWERS(タイ版「花より男子」)の話題に。「日本で『2gether』のドラマと映画がとてもいい形で受け入れられていることを嬉しく思っている」と語るBrightとWinのもとに、サプライズとして「2gether THE MOVIE」のキャスト
Man(マン)役のMike(マイク)、Type(タイプ)役のToptap(トップタップ)、Mil(ミル)役のDrake(ドレーク)、Phukong(プーコン)役のFrank(フランク)、Pear(ペア)役のLove(ラブ)、Boss(ボス)役のGunsmile(ガンスマイル) から、ファンミーティング開催についてのお祝いコメントが流れる。

Godjiは彼らの次回作「F4:Thailand:BOYS OVER FLOWERS(タイ版「花より男子」)にも触れ、撮影中の様子や共演者のDewとNaniについて質問。するとそのDewとNaniからもサプライズ動画が!Brightも「全力を出し切った作品なので、みんなも絶対見てほしい」と呼びかけた。


曲はドラマ「Still 2gether」から、「Yang Koo Gun (Still Together)(邦題:まだ2人で)」。

日本のファンが2人を想って寄せた様々な画像が画面に映し出され、それらがモザイクアートとして最後は2人の顔に。ラストには、これも日本のファンが考えたキャッチコピー「Let’s WIN a BRIGHT future 2gether」が現れる。2人は真剣にじっと画面を見続け、日本のファンからの愛を受け止めていた。
メッセージを求められた2人は改めて日本のファンに感謝を伝えようとマイクを手にした。 すると2人から出て来た言葉はなんと日本語!それぞれ準備してきた心からのメッセージを伝え、ショーは終了となった。

10/9(土)に開催された今回のファンミーティング。 「見逃した、どうしてもまた観たい」という多くの声にお応えし、10/27(水)12時~10/31(日)23時59分まで 大好評につき見逃しアーカイブ配信が決定! 見逃し配信チケットは 2,500円(税込)。
・購入URL https://w.pia.jp/t/bright-win/

さらに、動画配信サービスTELASAでは「2gether」シリーズのキャストが活躍するバラエティ「Play 2gether」などを見放題配信中。BrightとWinもゲスト出演する「School Rangers」も配信予定。
また、「F4: Thailand:BOYS OVER FLOWERS(タイ版「花より男子」)」はCSテレ朝チャンネルで今年の秋放送予定。
そして、10/23(土)からは、渋谷hmvにてタイドラマの展示会・GMMTV EXHIBITION in JAPANが東京凱旋として東京に戻ってきます。ファンミーティングの中で語られたドラマ「2gether」の小道具や衣装を見ることができるので、こちらもチェック!